Retirement News & Updates
Insurance needs change when you retire
This week’s article reminds us that “Senior insurance needs are different. Time to drop the disability coverage and review your other plans.” The most obvious insurance retirees need to maintain is health insurance. While most seniors age 65 and older are eligible for Medicare, Medicare doesn’t cover 100% of medical
What matters is if you are concerned
This week’s article highlights a Harris Poll that showed “workers who have been laid off or had their hours reduced amid the pandemic are particularly concerned about their future.” “70% say they are worried about running out of money in retirement, 61% say they are much more afraid of life
No, the Tax Laws have Not Changed
We’ve been receiving calls from people thinking that somehow, with the election having just occurred, there are tax law changes that have already been enacted, or that 401(k) and IRA money is slated to be taxed. No, the Tax Laws have not changed. From time to time it is difficult
Some Critical Moves
This week’s article points out that “Social Security payments are one of the biggest assets that most people have,” and “how you handle that income has an important impact on an overall plan.” A “critical move” that is highlighted is not only to know your full retirement age and to
Aging is an Opportunity
Aging is an Opportunity This week’s article reminds us “silver is the new green”, and that “around the world, people are living longer as birth rates decline.” Because of this, it isn’t just public policymakers and the private business sector that must reevaluate their long-term strategies. As Seniors, we are
Building a Portfolio with Principal Protection
Building a Portfolio with Principal Protection This week’s article reminds us that pre-retirees can “diversify their portfolio in a way that distributes risk and prepares their retirement savings for growth in a variety of economic environments. It’s even possible to build in some principal protection with the inclusion of Fixed
Solutions not Problems
If you are like many, you are tired of reading so much about the negative consequences of COVID on our finances, employment and plans – whatever they may be, and you long to hear more about solutions. This week’s article tells us things we already know – that the “economic
Formula for the math
Commentary: I’ve been asked to explain how the dollar amount of what someone receives in social security is impacted by their age at filing for SS. This week’s article does that. It tells us “One of the most important factors affecting your retirement security is how long you work. Additional
Back Roads of the Economy
J.P. Morgan’s chief global strategist David Kelley recently gave a speech concerning there still being a long way to go before the US has a full economic recovery and it is “therefore wise for investors to be cautious.” “He compared the current situation to when he used to drive to
Important Considerations
Considering all that is going on today, “pre-retirees may be asking questions about the impact of a stock market sell-off on their retirement savings”, and if there are “any steps that can be taken to protect savings and investments against future volatility.” This week’s article tells us “it’s a sobering
Without retirement savings
This week’s article discusses a type of “retirement plan” that some Americans who have had their retirement savings wiped out by COVID are engaging in, and that plan simply involves moving in with their millennial children. Instead, if you are looking to shore up your retirement savings with products where
Regain your footing
This week’s article helps explain why the “economic gut punch of the COVID-19 pandemic is being felt by retirees.” “With the U.S. economy staring at a recession and the stock market having plunged more than 25% from its peak in February, retirees have seen the value of their retirement funds
Insurance takes many forms, from covering our homes to our lives, and one form of insurance that we have received many questions on over the past few months relates to Life Insurance. This week’s article tells us that when a study was conducted in 2018 “Half of all consumers say
Are you a Builder or a Protector?
We speak a lot about annuities and are often asked to describe the type of person who benefits from owning one. In responding, we often say they benefit both “the Builder” and “the Protector”. A Builder can be described as the person nearing retirement, concerned about risk exposure, and someone
A Balancing Act
The approach to retirement is a balancing act between growing and protecting assets. In general, the closer we get to taking retirement income, the more the balance tends to shift toward protecting years of hard-earned dollars. That balance may be more relevant now than ever. Call us if you’d like
The Flavor of Life
We’re being told the reopening process is being done with “tremendous gusto and vigor,” but have we forgotten how to join in and left our gusto by the wayside? The dictionary tells us that we can do many things with gusto, or hearty enthusiasm, whether it’s playing a game or
Maneuver through
I, like most of you, become very discouraged when I look at the number of unemployed workers, especially because I know that the older we are, the less likely we will be rehired. As this week’s article reminds us, “if older workers cannot get rehired, they start to drain their
Perception May be Reality
This week’s article about retiring is written by a psychologist who has researched perception and applied that knowledge to financial situations. The author tells us “By the time most of us reach retirement age, we feel as if we don’t have enough money to live the life we envisioned. Our