The Crisis

I read an article the other day that, while written a few years back, seemed to resonate even more today. The author wrote “More dangerous yet is the shift in focus away from retirement income to return on investment that has come with the introduction of saver-managed [retirement] plans: Investment decisions are now focused on the value of the funds, the returns on investment they deliver, and how volatile those returns are. Yet the primary concern of the saver remains what it always has been: Will I have sufficient income in retirement to live comfortably? Clearly, the risk and return variables that now drive investment decisions are not being measured in units that correspond to savers’ retirement goals and their likelihood of meeting them.” That’s where we come in. We have some ideas to help you obtain sufficient income, and look forward to helping you meet your retirement goals. Call us, we’re always here to help.

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Starting November 11th 2024, our Fort Worth office will now be located on the SEVENTH floor in Suite 703

Reach out to us if you have any questions!