This week’s article tells us that “Annuities are one of the most efficient ways to generate guaranteed income. This is demonstrated through a series of three case studies which looked at combination strategies using both annuities and investments compared to traditional investments-only portfolios. The simulations found: Adding an income annuity to a retirement portfolio allows a retiree to get the same or higher income with lower risk of outliving savings than an investments-only approach; Income annuities allow a retiree to spend at a level that investments alone would be unable to match without significant risk of running out of money before age 95; Using both annuities and investments can enhance the value of assets for heirs over the long term. Ultimately, the research showed income annuities can help to better meet client goals in retirement than an investments-only approach in most situations.” Call us if you would like to become more efficient in your retirement planning. We’re always here to help.

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